quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2019

Profile - EVERGLOW

(Company: Yue Hua Entertainment)

Left to Right: Onda, Sihyeon, E:U, Yiren, Aisha & Mia

Real Name: Park Ji Won
Stage Name: E:U
Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Main Dancer
Birthday: May 19, 1998
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Kim Si Hyeon
Stage Name: Sihyeon
Position: Lead Vocalist, Face of the Group
Birthday: August 5, 1999
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Heo Yoo Rim
Stage Name: Aisha
Position: Vocalist, Lead Rapper
Birthday: July 21, 2000
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Han Eun Ji
Stage Name: Mia
Position: Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Rapper
Birthday: January 13, 2000
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Jo Se Rim
Stage Name: Onda
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: May 18, 2000
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Wang Yi Ren
Stage Name: Yiren
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual, Center, Maknae
Birthday: December 29, 2000
Place of Birth: China

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