domingo, 5 de junho de 2016

Profile - Sonamoo

(Company: TS Entertainment)

Left to Right: High D, Minjae, New Sun, Nahyun, Sumin, D.ana & Euijin

Real Name: Hong Eui Jin
Stage Name: Euijin
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Birthday: October 8, 1996
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Jo Eun Ae
Stage Name: D.ana
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Birthday: September 10, 1995
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Kim Do Hee
Stage Name: High D
Position: Main Vocalist
Birthday: December 21, 1996
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Sung Min Jae
Stage Name: Minjae
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: December 18, 1994
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Ji Su Min
Stage Name: Sumin
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Birthday: March 3, 1994
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Kim Na Hyun
Stage Name: Nahyun
Position: Vocalist, Dancer, Face of the Group
Birthday: December 9, 1995 
Place of Birth: South Korea

Real Name: Choi Yoon Sun
Stage Name: New Sun
Position: Lead Rapper, Maknae
Birthday: June 19, 1997
Place of Birth: South Korea

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