domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015

Profile - Miss A

 Miss A
(Company: JYP Entertainment)
(Disbanded Group)

Left to Right: Jia, Fei, Suzy & Min

Real Name: Bae Soo Ji
Stage Name: Suzy
Position: Main Vocalist, Visual, Center, Face of the Group, Maknae
Birthday: October 10, 1994
Place of Birth: South Korea
(Currently: Actress / Singer)

Real Name: Wáng Feifei
Stage Name: Fei
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: April 27, 1987
Place of Birth: China
(Currently: Singer)

Former Members

Real Name: Mèng Jia
Stage Name: Jia
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Birthday: February 3, 1989
Place of Birth: China
(Currently: Singer)

Real Name: Lee Min Young
Stage Name: Min
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Birthday: June 21, 1991
Place of Birth: South Korea

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